Thursday, April 24, 2008

Estranho Gaiman

Durante sua participação no New York Comic con desse ano, Neil Gaiman foi homenageado pela revista Weird Tales por estar entre os "85 escritores mais estranhos dos últimos 85 anos".

The Weird Tales team was delighted this weekend to present author Neil Gaiman and animator Bill Plympton — both guests at the New York Comic Con — with plaques commemorating their place in our list of “The 85 Weirdest Storytellers of the Past 85 Years.” Neil graciously accepted his award from editorial director Stephen Segal during a VIP reception for donors to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, while Bill received his at an exciting showcase of his latest films.

“85 Weirdest” honoree Grant Morrison was a guest at the con too, but proved elusive — so before passing along his plaque through proper channels, our assistant Renee Farrah did her best to convince the writer’s most famous fictional colleague to accept on his behalf.

Na foto, ao lado de Gaiman está o editor da Weird Tales Stephen Segal.


S. said...

O No., o outro homem na foto é Stephen Segal, editor dos "Weird Tales." Se você visitar o Web site dos "Weird Tales," você encontrará uma ligação a uma
foto da Bill Plympton.

Sue said...

Obrigada pela correção:))

S. said...
